Iklan Melayang

Senin, 23 Februari 2009


grow with Planning..
at my blog there is a way of calculation deposit but definition or explanation other deposit not yet there… lets we share… 
Deposit Definition 
deposit savings only can be done in a given time period and condition - certain condition. deposit can liquefy after end duration. Deposit that will fall due extendable automatically (automatic roll over). Deposit not only in rupiah currency but also in foreign money. 
Time deposit 
1. Be savings the liquefaction is done based on a given time period. 
2. Usually has duration begins from 1, 3, 6, 12 until 24 months. 
3. At publish with pin up good deposit owner name a person also institution. 
4. To every depositor give interest magnitude and the payment time matching with the one which operative at its self bank. 
5. Deposit interest payment can be done each month or after fall due appropriate the time range. 
6. Payment can be done according to cash or non cash. 
7. To every depositor with certain deposit value is worn income tax from flower that accepted it. 
8. Deposit liquefaction before fall due usually worn fine. 
Certificate of deposit 
1. be savings that published with duration 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. 
2. certificate of deposit is published at sight in the form of certificate, without pin up deposit owner name. 
3. certificate of deposit can sell or buy to other party. 
4. certificate of deposit flower payment can be done in the face of, monthly or at the (time) of fall due, good also non cash. 
Deposit profit 
1. deposit can be made credit guarantee. 
2. get flower result usually higher from another savings form. 
3. can managed finance according to more plan as according to need and deposit duration. 
Some matter that must be payed in deposit 
1. ascertain you get biljet / marketable securities (time deposit / deposit certificate). 
2. at the (time) of fall due, you justifiably get main and deposit interest appropriate operative flower after is cut tax. 
3. at the (time) of deposit liquefaction, you has duty to signing liquefaction form. 
4. look at operative deposit rate level and ascertain pursuant to savings guarantor institution (LPS-Lembaga Penjaminan Simpanan).

Global crisis impact towards economics in Indonesia

Global crisis impact towards economics in Indonesia 
(in rupiah exchange rate sector, banking, and property) 
monetary crisis at united America 
United America is assumed economics direction at world, but at the moment experience monetary crisis. Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, as axis giant financial institution, congratulation face axis economic recession after terrorist attack year 2001. they are congratulation face oil embargo consequence world economic recession OPEC year 1973 and congratulation face two world war. they also congratulation face world economic recession year 1930-an often called “the great depression”, axis finance crisis consequence in 1929. 
but, they not congratulation face House Purchasing Credit Crisis (KPR – Kredit Pembelian Rumah) subprime at axis in 2007/2008. mean, fall it several biggest financial institution at world indication that axis economy troubleshoot and world now really far mortallyer from our estimate is previous.

from explanation above, we have known that monetary crisis at united America recently epidemic to various continent and ascertained mortallyer from crisis that ever happen to like monetary crisis that bump into asia in the year 1997/1998. 
global crisis 
monetary crisis at this united America evokes impact incredible globally. this matter can be seen from world investor panic in their effort resque their money at stocks market. they are crowded sell share so that free fall stock market. since beginning 2008, stock market china plummet 57%, Indians 52%, Indonesia 41% (before the activity is stopped for temporary), and Europe zone 37%. temporary debt mail market plummet, developing countries currency is weak and commodities price plummet, even less after spekulator oil commodities will evaluate that economic recession will decrease world energy consumption. 

At axis, after see stock market wall street then decrease, final congress approves program rescuings financial sector (troubled asset recovery program - tarp) in the amount us$ 700 milliards that submitted by government. but, because the long policies negotiation between government and congress, dissapointed investor see politicians at Washington doesn't has sense of crisis. 

Capital market crisis (share and debt mail) global basically only influence capital market investor. but global banking crisis can influence world economic real sector, belong Indonesia. story kernel that axis banking sector plummet, capital deficiency, and dislike to lend the dollar, belong to international banks at Europe and Asia.

Finally, dollar deficit international banking to lends to world entrepreneurs that want dollar for the investment (for engine import, basic commodity, and as it), belong in Indonesia. 

We have known that axis dollar has been kernel currency in the world of effort. finally, although axis central bank rate (or fed funds target rate) until is demoted to 1,5%, rate of interest London inter-bank offer rate (Libor, as rate of interest standard that used by economy executant, jump up sharp. 

complex problem that now, the stopped payment system and global credit canalization as 'oxygen for business world the breath. central bank rate can low, but credit rate of interest for business executant, even so can loan, very tall because fear banking lends the fund. follow economist, actually that thing be global banking sector danger. so, not plummet it stocks market, actually can paralyse world economic growth slowly. 
final, world central bank understands how the important do wisdom co-ordination. seven central bank (belongs us federal reserve, European central bank, bank of England and bank of Canadian) final cut the flower tribe 0,5%. this be central bank rate wisdom the time first is done concurrently in big scale. happen at year 2008 this. 

something else that central bank co-ordination wisdom and rest world government must be attributed to fulfill three targets. first, restore to return banking system and global payment paralysed so that international fund circulation can normal return - and bank can give credit again.

second, take outside asset that has problem (especially debt mail kpr subprime) from axis banking and enlarge banking capital so that more can give credit in number that can support economy growth. 

third, world central bank must dare then demote rate of interest (to help to unburden credit flower) and, more important, government must enlarge the expense for infrastructure development and give stimulus economy - because private investor dislikes to correlating investment between two fires liquidity. 

wisdom above can success, can also fail. the mentioned haves because has global scale never is done in history, but risk the happening of mortally world economic recession bigger if central bank and world government doesn't do anything. 
if success, when will the result will appear? Quickest, fastest two year. mean, axis economic recession and Europe mortally (world economic growth temporary will be slow) in 2009, before recover in 2010. why? because axis economy unsightly points and Europe not yet reached: for example, go down it axis property price (crisis trigger subprime) not yet end (house total not yet sold to still too many), factory stills to do work connection severance (PHK – Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja) mass and still many banks that must bankrupt. 
besides, impact stimulus monetary wisdom and fiscal really eat time more than one year. if world economic recover new 2010, when does recover global stocks market? Quickest, fastest semester 1, 2009, because stocks market usually be strong 6-9 month before recover economy real sector.

anomaly economic

anomaly economy
“ corruption, pungli (wild pickings), and mark up project ”
jakarta ( suara karya ): “ government is asked soon fix various anomaly form at economics structure, like corruption, pungli, or mark up project, because during the time be far inflation organizer terribleer. correction in that instrument also demand cooperation between fiscal authority and be authority Menko Polhukam. “
anomaly that at economy area can retard goods distribution smoothness, also cause operating expenses and production swells, so that jump up price still not overcome. 
corruption that take root in indonesia be one of [the] factor inflation organizer, retard economic growth because make only rich some people in concerned in corruption. 

Bureaucracy in indonesia complex famous and difficult with illegal charge quantity is several factors that retard goods current smoothness. this have consequences in slowness paso so that society considers in this time happen to scarce denunciated goods so that they do purchasing on a large scale final also influential towards inflation increase. 
contribution acts anomaly like pungli, also strong influential pushes main need increase of price existence and another goods. 

mark up project that also can push to rise it rapid inflation and very harm country then have consequences to people. mark up project cost happens general facilities financing by government a part the fund corruptoin for individual. basic commodity or goods should use good ingredient with good quality appropriate estimation that is planned and fund that taked to make facilities disagree with fact that. project manager usually use ingredient with low quality that causes facilities be fast broken. the mentioned will harm facilities user also will enlarge estimation next for repair or facilities replacement that broken and can not be maked use again. 
solution or completion: 
corruption, pungli, with mark up project very difficult removed otherwise from cognizance each individual in concerned in it. but the mentioned still can be overcome by act that done government to cause the loss of bad habit that is by: 
1. give sanction and punishment very firm without see to who executant in concerned. 
2. give supervision to overcome goods distribution problem that can be retarded because be monkeyed by side - pihak certain. 
3. local government coordination must more be strengthened again because they are that impersonate big in distibused goods principal commodity to market. 
4. watch over food stock and distribution enough to depress rapid inflasi bureaucracy consequence difficult and pungli. 
5. simplify existing bureaucracy.

guarantee bank

Come on know guarantee bank…. 
Guarantee Bank 
Indonesia bank source 
In use business plan, you may be has many projects the execution will be extradited to other party. you will need confidence that other party will fulfil the commitment as according to contract. but immanent possibility that project is not carried out appropriate plan so thet you experience loss. 
In this case bank gives guarantee bank service to increase your confidence and all at once minimize loss risk. 
Guarantee Bank Definition 
guarantee bank payment guarantee that given to guarantee receivers side, when does side that guaranteed not fulfil the duty. 
For example you plan to build a hotel so that you invite several contractors or supplier to come along to participate. for that you hold offer as mode choose contractor candidate or supplier that up to standard. 
In course of offer, you ask to entrant to extradite bid bond so that they don't cancel self according to arrive - arrive after indicated as winner offer. 
Usually project owner (bouwheer), you give payment in advance to offer winner to begin to carry out project. to prevent to lost it payment in advance because project winner breaks, you want advance payment bond. 
Besides, you also want performance bond so that you are sure that project is carried out as according to good agreement in the case of quality, time and the spesification. 
After project finished, you will need retention / maintenance bond before taking over is done so that you are sure that project executor will do post service duty will sell shaped change that be good and maintenance within certain. 
Another guarantee bank kind 
In practice, may be you find special guarantee bank likes guarantee to voyage company, guarantee warranty, customs bond and others. basically guarantee bank used to guarantee so that doesn't happen to break a promise by side has duty. 
Several things necessary payed for guarantee banks receivers 
1. Ascertain authenticity and guarantee bank validity by contact publisher bank. 
2. Investigate guarantee bank operative time as according to your project duration. 
3. Investigate and comprehend terms klaim to make easy you do kliam when need. 

For side that guaranteed guarantee bank 
1. Look at cost -fee that in order to guarantee bank publication. 
2. Execute duty matching with the one which make promise with guarantee receivers side so that doesn't happen claim on guarantee bank that published. 
3. Guarantee bank publication process the same as with extension of credit process, so that you necessary explain your effort openly to bank. 
1. Bid bond called also offer bond tender guarantee. 
2. Advance payment bond payment in advance guarantee. 
3. Performance bond performance bond 
4. Retention / maintenance bond maintenance guarantee.


Indonesia Bank National clearance system 
(SKNBI-sistem kliring Nasional Bank Indonesia)
Source : Indonesia Bank

In a flash about clearance 

In Indonesia found 107 that conduct local clearance, both for carried out by also other party that indicated by Indonesia bank. 

Transaction that can be processed to pass clearance system covers debit transfer and credit transfer that espoused with letter physical transfer, good debit letter (cheque, gyro biljet, debt memorandum, etc) also credit letter. special for credit transfer, transaction value that can be processed to pass clearance is limitted be Rp. 100.000.000 while for transaction value Rp. 100.000.000 to on must be done pass Indonesia bank system real time gross settlement (system BI-RTGS).
4 (four) system kinds in clearance: 
a. Electronic clearance system or known with SKEJ, used at Jakarta. 
b. Automatic clearance system is used at Surabaya, field, and Bandung. 
c. system semi local clearance automatic or known with SOKL, used at 33 clearance areas that conducted by Indonesia bank and 40 another clearance areas that conducted by other party that indicated by Indonesia bank. 
d. with manual (at 31 administrators non-bi). 

Along with information technology development, efficiency need in clearance exertion even also. more increase. with daily average volume approximately 300.000 transaction sheet, credit letter use for fund transfer delivers bank passes clearance is one of [the] issues necessary payed especially related to letter printers cost and procedure to process itself letter. at others, credit transfer delivers bank passes system BI-RTGS, done according to paperless. besides, clearance system unity that used in this time and area scope limitedness in carry out credit transfer delivers bank passes clearance stills has local (only include transfer delivers existing bank in area local clearance), so that fund transfer deliver bank out clearance area must be done bank self pass other mechanism. 

From risk management side in has multilateral netting clearance exertion, in this time there is no a mechanism to anticipate entrant failure possibility in fulfil the duty in completion ends on clearance result. 

One of [the] efforts to realize efficient payment system, hurry, safe and believable so Indonesia bank applies Indonesia bank national clearance system (SKNBI). 
will remember SKNBI will replace clearance system in this time be used at 107 clearance administrators in Indonesia, so the applications will be carried out gradually. for early stage, SKNBI applied at Jakarta on 29 July 2005. 
Clearance Explanation 
1. Clearance letter transfer or electronic finance data (DKE) delivers good clearance entrant on behalf of also on behalf of entrant customer the calculation is finished periodically. 
2. SKNBI Indonesia bank clearing system that cover debit clearance and credit clearance completion final done according to national. 
Aim and benefit SKNBI 
Aim applieds SKNBI in clearance in Indonesia increase payment system efficiency ritel with fulfil principle - risk management principle in clearance exertion. 

Benefit SKNBI: 
1. For Indonesia Bank 
1.1 time efficiency and cost, especially in the case of: 
a. clearance operational with not heald physical credit letter; 
b. maintenance clearance application with used it system integration in all clearance area. 
1.2 available he is reach delivers bank passes clearance broader with at accomodate it clearance delivers area for credit transfer. 
1.3 fulfil principles risk management in clearance exertion has multilateral netting appropriate with core principles that taked by bank for international settlement (bus) 

2.For bank 
2.1 bank operating expenses efficiency in printers and credit letter administration process. 
1.2 more bank service reach broadness to customer. 

Characteristics SKNBI 
Administrator SKNBI 
1. national clearance administrator (PKN-Penyelenggara Kliring Nasional), that is work unit at Indonesia bank head office that have a duty to managed and conduct SKNBI according to national, 
2. local clearance administrator (PKL-Penyelenggara Kliring Lokal), that is work unit at Indonesia bank and bank that get Indonesia bank sanctions to managed and conduct SKNBI at a certain clearance area. 

Entrant SKNBI
Every bank can be entrant in exertion SKNBI at a clearance area if fulfil rules that appointed. 

Activity SKNBI 
1. debit clearance 
2. credit clearance 

Nominal limitation in SKNBI
1. credit transfer deliver bank that can clearance in credit clearance be Rp. 100.000.000 (one hundred million rupiah). 
2. debit letter value is not limitted except for debit letter shaped debt memorandum, that is as high as - height Rp. 10.000.000. (ten million rupiah) per debt memorandum. value restriction in when does debt memorandum published by Indonesia bank and attributed to bank or bank customer. 

Principal component SKNBI
SKNBI consist of 3 (three) principal components that is: 
1. clearance central system (SSK-Sistem Sentral Kliring) is hardware and software that used PKN. 
2. clearance administrator computer (KPK-Komputer Penyelenggara Kliring) is hardware component and software that used by PKL. 
3. clearance entrant terminal (TPK-Terminal Peserta Kliring) is hardware component and software that used by entrant. 
clearance time-table 
In Indonesia there three time zones to can do credit transfer, so credit clearance is carried out in 2 clearance cycles. Delivery DKE credit in first cycle is done to start at 08.15 s. d 11.30 WIB while delivery DKE credit in second cycle is done to start at 12.45 s. d 15.30 WIB. 
For delivery debit clearance DKE debit appointeds by each PKL with maximum limit clearance calculation result delivery local to SSK at 15.30 WIB. 
clearance cost 
In exertion SKNBI, Indonesia bank wears process cost to entrant magnitude: 
1. debit clearance
debit clearance process cost for clearance area separation the debit letter is done according to automatic as big as Rp. 1.500.000 (one thousand five hundred rupiah) per transaction with details Rp. 1.000.000 (one million rupiah) for process DKE and Rp. 500 (five hundred rupiah) for letter process. 
debit process cost for clearance area separation the debit letter is done according to manual as big as Rp. 1000 per transaction that be process cost DKE debit. 
2. credit clearance 
credit clearance process cost as big as Rp. 1000 per transaction.

Indonesia Bank System Real Time Gross Settlement

Indonesia Bank System Real Time Gross Settlement
(System RTGS)

In a flash BI-RTGS 
System applications BI-RTGS (Indonesia Bank System Real Time Gross Settlement) at Indonesia begun commencing from the date of 17 November 2000. System presence BI-RTGS as tool settlement (completion ends payment transaction) valuable more than Rp. 100.000.000. 
System BI-RTGS a electronic fund transfer system delivers entrant in rupiah currency the completion is done according to at the same moment per transaction individually. 
Does Benefit BI-RTGS ? 
1. Safe surplus funds transfer delivery, with exertion system security guarantee. 
2. Fast surplus funds transfer delivery with guarantee acceptable by receivers customer on the same day. 
Who is administrator BI-RTGS ? 
System BI-RTGS conducted by Indonesia Bank. 
who is entrant BI-RTGS ? 
system entrant BI-RTGS consist of entire banks and non bank, discriminated to be direct entrant and entrant not direct. Direct entrant that can do transaction RTGS directly by using RTGS entrant property terminal. While entrant not direct do transaction RTGS indirectly, the execution is done by Indonesia Bank by using RTGS Indonesia Bank property terminal.

System Process BI-RTGS
(1) Sender Customer 
(2) Sender Bank 
(3) S e t t l e m e n t RCC (RTGS Central Computer) Indonesia Bank 
(4) Receivers Bank 
(5) Receivers Customer 
When BI-RTGS carried out ? 
Indonesia Bank carries out transaction RTGS with transfer service clock stipulating RTGS deliver entrant in period time which uniform to 3 zones times in Indonesia (for customer in this time limitted to start at 06.30 s. d 16.30 WIB). Service clock in bank depends on condition and standard itself bank. 
When does result RTGS can know…? 
Based on Indonesia Bank rule will guarantee that fund at transfer will pass system BI-RTGS be accepted by slowest receivers customer on that also. If sender customer does fund transfer passes system BI-RTGS after bank service clock, so fund slowest will be accepted by slowest receivers customer on work next. 
What does cost RTGS? ?
Indonesia Bank decides system transaction cost BI-RTGS uniform to entire system entrants BI-RTGS. system transaction cost BI-RTGS that worn by bank to the customer depends on condition and standard itself bank. Indonesia Bank obligates every bank announces tariff system cost BI-RTGS, both for burdened Indonesia Bank to bank, also bank to the customer at every office. 

What RTGS safe? 
Standard pacification RTGS use system BI-RTGS safe, that is Indonesia Bank asks auditor independent information technology according to periodically to audits entire also network / network that used in system BI-RTGS, to assure that system safe. Has system backs up at location safe with the tackling procedure if face emergency condition. Entrant or also obligated so that has system backs up that suffice. 
periodical, entire entrants is obligated to do test-driving backs up and emergency condition tackling plan (DRP-Penanggulangan Kondisi Darurat) to ascertains all a certain it walk well. 
Also do supervision to entire entrant/banks to ascertain rules and rule that appointed by administrator RTGS to entrant related to operational activity RTGS filled. Entrant is obligated also do internal investigation towards operational activity RTGS then reported to Indonesia Bank. 
Tips Transact RTGS: 
1. Visit bank moment bank waitress clock so that fund transfer RTGS acceptable that very day. if pass internet banking careful bank service clock or ask to call center bank .
2. Fund transfer form contents RTGS completely and true. 
3. If do transaction at bank office after fill transfer form capitulate fund RTGS and pay cash or savings bill is debitted, so careful form transfer application, ascertain at valid bank, so that clear being processed.
4. If transfer command RTGS not yet accepted on the same day, ask information to call center or customer service that bank to does fund transfer RTGS. If transfer RTGS is not accepted as according to standard service (day same or tomorrow), so fund receivers RTGS justifiably get flower/repayment compensation as according to the savings kind in bank concerned.

safe deposit box

what do you know about safe deposit box…? ? ? 
safe deposit box
source: indonesia bank
Your high-value goods safe? has document - your important document also stored safe? or you know where true place - true safe to keeps document or your high-value goods is towards flooded, fire, and another disaster? ? 
Please read.. about service safe deposit box… 
Safe deposit box or SDB treasure storage box tenancy service or mail - marketable securities at plan special from steel ingredient and laided in space khasanah steady and flame resistant to watch over goods security that kept and give safe taste for the user. 
Usually goods that kept insides SDB tall valuable goods where the owner felts not safe to keep it at home. in general goods insurance expense that kept at sdb bank relative cheaper. 
Profit safe deposit box 
1. Safe. Storage space steady is equiped with security system then menerus during 24 clocks. to open it need key from tenant and key from bank.
2. Flexibel. Available in various size as according to tenant need both for also body.
3. Easy. Rules leases enough with open savings and gyro ( there bank doesn't presuppose the mentioned, but wear tariff differ). 
Several things necessary payed in safe deposit box: 
1. Cost existence that burdened to tenant, among others rent, key financial guarantee and delay in payment fine leases. 
2. Doesn't keep goods that forbidden in safe deposit box. 
3. Watch over so that key that kept customer doesn't lost or misused other party.
4. Show goods that kept when at all time need by bank. 
5. If key that held tenant losts, so key financial guarantee will be used as key replacement cost and demolition safe deposit box obligatory watchinged self by tenant. 
6. Has table of contents from safe deposit box and keep photo copy (copy) document at home for reference. 
7. Tenant responsibles when goods that kept to causes loss directly also not towards bank and another tenant.

Irresponsible bank on: 
1. Quality change and quantity, lost, or broken it goods bot such a bank error. 
2. Consequence goods damage force majeur like earthquake, flood, war, and as it. 

Goods may not or best may not be kept in safe deposit box among others: 
1. Fire arm / blasting material.
2. All goods kind at guess can endanger or botch safe deposit box concerned and vinicity place. 
3. Goods very need emergency likes authorization, well-being note when is tenant ill, when is tenant ill, when does tenant pass away (testament). 
4. Another goods that forbidden by bank or operative rule. 


Anomaly often happen at all area, not with the exception of anomaly accountancy profession and business profession. in this article me lifts case problem Enron. 
.Case identification Enron: 
 Several company big at united America involved business scandal that causes destruction in company. one of them Enron. 
 Case Enron revealed in December 2001 and then bloom year 2002. 
 Go down it share price or drastic effect exchange at various world split. 
 Case Enron found financial statement manipulation with register profit 600 million while company to lost, with a purpose to so that permanent investor interested in share Enron. 
 Director and a large part employee Enron come from shade Andersen. Enron shade client Anderson. 
 Beginning year 2001 shade evaluation results Anderson permanent defend Enron as client. 
 In the middle of the 2001 one of the executive Enron at report question practice accounting company that evaluated indisposed to CEO and shade partner Andersen. 
 CEO Enron assign to do investigation. investigation result there is no serious matter necessary is payed. 
 16 Octobers 2001 Enron published financial statement, Enron experience profit that increase from previous period. 
 CEO Enron doesn't explain in detail about special accountancy cost load (special accounting charge/expense) as big as 1 milliard, actually lost as big as 644 million. 
 2 Decembers 2001 Enron register bankruptcy and has debt as big as more than 1 billion. 
 Enron and shade Andersen chargeable do criminal in the form of document smashing related to investigation on bankruptcy Enron. 
 Pension fund Enron a large part invested in the form of share Enron, share price Enron then decreased and almost bothing, there is no the value. 
 June 2002 shades Andersen stopped as auditor Enron. 
 date 14 march 2002 America department of judgement has decided shade Andersen guilty on accusation has done be slow in course of judicature because smash documents that at are investigating. 
 shade Andersen then get negative consequence from case Enron shaped loses client, affiliation desertion that joint forces with other shade and forced open to increase hit shade official involvement Andersen in case Enron. 

Theory that support: 
Ethics value hits true and wrong that professed a group or society. based on case Enron found several anomaly accountancy profession ethics that is manipulate accountancy companies and falsehood public. 
sanction that accepted by Enron and shade Andersen shaped law sanction, because has scale big and harm other party right. 
theory that support in the field of profession ethics and business ethics that is pass development understands ethics related to case Enron that is: 
• Teleology 
• Machiavelli 

Teleology be action is assumed morally true if produce desirable some people, that is delight, erudition, character growth, a self importance, or use. Teleology divided two (2) that is egoism and Uttilitarism. In case Enron belong in egoism because Enron and shade Andersen cover real situation on finance with profit Enron so that share Enron permanent likes investor. Understand Machiavelli also related to case Enron because Enron get more many rewards compared he has obtained when hasn't do accountancy manipulation. Enron make use situation to get individual profit with not obedient rule and do action not ethical. 
Follow me completion that must be finished that is Enron and shade Andersen must give action firm so that individual in concerned must not repeating the error and individual other doesn't imitate a part or entire bad actions that done Enron. All shades must independent pursuant to operative. 
There opinion that other. . ?Lets share…

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